Good Charlotte was the largest subcategory under Musicians, with 4529 fics. - As of August 2, 2002, NSYNC was the biggest fandom in the music category, with 10893 fics.The link goes to her memories, which lists all the relevant pages. 'N Sync chronology This chronology is a significant fandom resource, started and maintained by Cressy (canalbaby) on her LiveJournal.This is a basic introduction to the guys and the fandom. They have that look in their eyes like they're longing for a nice big.microphone." Links & Resources Next time you see them on TV, take a good look. I present this award to every boy band member who is working that homoerotic chic, which is all of them. You may now insert your own joke about the shelf life of a boy band here. This fandom will last as long as the band does. Joey beats up JC in a remote cabin before JC stands in the rain, arms outstretched, and cries out "You care!" Lance has autism and calls JC over to check out the bloody corpse on his couch. Unlike other communities, the 'N Sync world is not packed to the gills with hardcore slashers - most of them seem to be new blood - so the fandom politics are kept to a minimum, at least in most cases, give or take a List Owner God Complex incident. Granted, there are some very young people in the fandom who have yet to master high school English, but on the whole the 'N Sync lists are pretty good reading. Rather than being a bunch of giggling 13 year olds, there are some actual adult women and men who get off on the idea of Justin Timberlake (or Ryan Phillippe, I can never remember which) and friends getting down and dirty with each other. The Way You Know Him by Beth and Kaelieįrom Citizens Against Bad Slash: "Most surprisingly good fandom: 'N Sync.Formed in 1995 by Kirkpatrick, NSYNC was made up of Fatone, 46, Justin Timberlake, 42, JC Chasez, 46, and. Composed of Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass, Joey Fatone, JC Chasez, and Chris Kirkpatrick, NSYNC shot to the upper echelons of success in the music world through the likes of hit tracks such as 'Bye Bye Bye,' 'This I Promise You,' and 'It's Gonna Be Me. The Lamb Entreats the Butcher Where's Thy Knife?: The X-Files crossover NSYNC was for a brief time THE band of the ’90s, inspiring a rabid female fan basis.Link Copied Drakes 2015 hit 'Hotline Bling' marked a turning point for. live from the apopalypse an i know it when i see it - the pornutopia by Nopseud 2 days ago &0183 &32 From Drake’s viral pop-rap to Kendrick Lamar’s protest anthems, these were the defining moments in music in the 2010s.
Flesh Mechanic: "The Justin Timberlake serial killer fic".Book of Secrets (Popslash story) by Rhys:.Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder by Mickeym and Nopseud: TrickC.